Order Placement


For Authorized Dealers Only

All orders must meet or exceed a $100.00 net minimum. A $25.00 handling charge will automatically be added to any order if it does not meet the requirements set out above.

When placing verbal orders over the telephone, Omcan is not responsible for verbal misunderstandings or mistakes

Please contact us immediately if you would like to cancel or modify an order. If an order is already processing in our warehouse and being packed to ship, we cannot guarantee that the order can be canceled or modified. In order to maintain accuracy and efficiency in our order process, we are unable to alter any orders after they have been placed. If you would like to add to or modify your order in any way, please contact Customer Service to cancel the order so you can reorder exactly what you need.

Our warehouse works in the evening to package orders, ensuring shipments early the next day. If an order is packaged to ship in the evening the order is not able to be canceled. If we cannot cancel an order because it has already shipped from our warehouse, please see our returns procedures.

Customer Service


Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 8:30pm ESTEmail: [email protected]

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